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The Unbinding Series arises out of 16 years of nationally-based, Lilly-Endowment funded research in congregational revitalization & evangelism with churches and people from all over the US, in 10 different denominations. The Series, like Reese herself, urges readers to move toward greater depth of faith and more profound sharing of that faith, from their own starting places. Bottom line: "If we pray, if we ask God to use us, the adventures begin!"

Testimonials, Reviews, Interviews




An Unbinding Focus - Roger Ross, First United Methodist Church, Springfield, Illinois (see article on page 2)

Presbyterian church experienceSee what change looks like (article from Westminster Dayton)

Martha Grace Reese

Presbyterian church experienceBeyond These Four Walls Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Dallas Texas' One Magazine. Lead article about their all-church Lenten study of Unbinding Your Heart.

Presbyterian church experienceArticle on River Hills UMC's E-vent originally from Minnesota UMC Conference website.

testimony Interview - Roger Ross (video)

testimony Interview - Bruce Dobyns (video)


See also Unbinding Your Soul. It includes 70 stories and quotes from Unbinding congregations from across the country that will give you a sense of churches' trajectory with the Series.


The Christian Century Book Review

Alban Institute Congregations Book Review


Author Interviews

interviewsPodcast Interview - Missional Church Conversation podcast with Martha Grace Reese

interviewUnited Methodist Reporter Interview



"....with clarity and sound theological grounding, we are invited into a grand adventure....could be a watershed book for mainline Protestantism."

Alban Institute, Congregations

"....the don't ask, don't tell evangelism program will not reverse the trend. Humor, whimsy and joy in the faith will serve us better. Reese's book is written to provoke, to tease and to charm us back into telling our story."

The Christian Century

"Don't miss this one!"

Evangelism Connections