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We'll update this page from time to time with pictures from Unbinding the Gospel participants and congregations.

If you have pictures to share, send them to us!


Lee's Summit Christian Church

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Sign-up Sunday...

Trinity Reformed UCC in Pottstown, PA gave everyone a surprise gift-bag on "Sign-Up Sunday" - a candle, a prayer journal, bookmark, pens, modeling clay, prayer suggestions - all to help people prepare for the E-vent prayer. The leaders were surprised themselves: all the adults loved picking out the exact beautiful color of the gift bag they wanted! People loved getting the gift! Awesome job, you all!

Click here for the contents of the gift bag

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Unbinding Groups

These photos are from First Christian Church in Galesburg, IL and their journey through Unbinding Your Heart. In addition to adult groups, they formed a young adults group from 4 20-somethings in the church at the beginning of the Unbinding process. There are 25 of them now!

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After-Parties (Invite your friends AFTER Unbinding Your Heart)

This picture was taken recently at a "Stuck on Jesus" event. Our praise band played - we had a pot-luck - and a lady had a fashion show of the duck tape clothing she had made over the years...dresses, a tux, etc. Tony made a hat out of Duck Tape for Aimee...that she is wearing! "S.T.U.C.K." is a phrase the children came up with during Unbinding Your Heart...which stands for "Start Telling Your Friends about Christ Our King". (Things got a little out of hand at the end. They duct-taped the pastor to the wall.)


Prayer Walls

Lee's Summit Christian Church. An artist in the congregation make this beautiful prayer wall. Bill Briley, pastor, says that people are reluctant to part with it. They're considering a permanent prayer wall.

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Prayer wall pictures from St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Nitro, WV. St. Paul's E-vent inspired them to build a more permanent prayer wall for the community - outside the church, across from the elementary school. Awesome! You all inspire us!


As part of their "Unbinding the Gospel" effort, some of the church men at the Farmington: Faith United Methodist Church built a "prayer wall", like that at the Jerusalem Temple, for the prayer requests of the congregation. A prayer team prays over each request. About three-fourths of the church's worship-attenders are involved in small groups, sharing prayer and study together.


First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Montgomery, AL:

Whidbey Presbyterian Church, Oak Harbor, Washington:

Trinity Presbyterian Church in Shoreline, Washington:

NEW! View a special PowerPoint presentation from featuring pictures of the prayer wall, sanctuary, and prayer chapel from Emmanuel UMC (Lockport, NY) during their Unbinding Your Heart E-vent. Here are slide explanations:

Slide # 1 - Our prayer wall is located in our Narthex to the left of double doors that lead into the sanctuary. The picture was taken shortly after our "Unbinding Your Heart" E-Vent began. The mural above the prayer wall was used during our VBS program and fit nicely with the water theme that we used. Prayer request papers are available at the prayer wall, and in our Sunday Worship Bulletins. Prayers are received during worship service, taken to altar for prayer, and then to our Monday evening Prayer and Healing service for prayer. The requests are then inserted into the prayer wall. People are also welcome to put a request in the prayer wall themselves at any time. We have received many hundreds of prayer requests. The prayer wall and the process is now a part of our ministry.

Slide # 2 - This stand is on left of prayer wall. The Scripture is from Colossians 3:12-17.

Slide # 3 - This stand is on right of prayer wall. "Jesus Calms the Storm" is from Matthew 8:23-27 --- On left is excerpt from "Unbinding Your Heart"

Slide # 4 - Close up of prayer requests rolled and placed in prayer wall

Slide # 5 - Picture of Sanctuary altar was taken during Advent. In center of picture is ceramic pot with fabric flowing out to simulate water. "I will pour out my spirit on all people" from Acts 2:17

Slide #6 - Our Prayer chapel, where our Monday evening Prayer and Healing Service is held, and where a 24 hour prayer vigil was held during our "Unbinding Your Heart" E-vent. Ceramic pot, fabric and scripture, is a smaller version of one displayed in front of the altar in our sanctuary.


Arlington United Methodist Church used this altar for the first E-vent sermon. They also designed the banner "Change My Heart, O God," and then used the song of the same name throughout the weeks. First the choir sang it as an Introit. Then they had instrumentalists do it. Once the congregation sang it during a prayer time. The congregation loved it!


The Lenten sanctuary decorations at Allisonville Christian Church designed by Patia Rarick of the congregation. Purple, of course, for the season, but the symbolism reflects the "Unbinding the Heart" study in which the congregation is engaged. Week by week some of the knots in the hanging are released so that by the end of the study and season the whole thing will be unbound. Pretty neat!


Here's the pitcher on Easter. Rumor has it that there will be butterflies fluttering on Pentecost! This photo was sent in by First Christian Church in Coralville/Iowa City, IA, which had 115% (yes, 115%!) of their worship attendance involved in E-vent small groups. Way to go!

Interested in a display like this for your congregation? The materials for the "pitcher" were only about $30 (hardboard, plywood, and 1"x4"s) and it takes about 8 hours of labor time to assemble, paint, and install it.

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Fun celebrations

Who says Massachusetts UCCs aren't the life of the party? Union Church in Stow took its E-vent seriously. They cancelled all normal meetings and went on a Hawaiian Vacation, complete with leis. Lovely shirts, ladies! There are rumors of pink flamingos in the yard, which the pastor says are always in good taste. John and Abigail Adams would be proud, we say!

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Boats and Water

Here are a few from Christian Church DOC in Clinton, MO.

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Building a Prayer Wall

CHILDREN AND YOUTH OF FIRST CHRISTIAN – GALESBURG, ILLINOIS – making prayer wall. Similar to the wailing wall in Jerusalem, it is still being used today, months after the Unbinding Your Heart Sabbath.

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Send us your pictures!! What about new members??