Coaching Groups - Unbinding the Gospel Project
• Are you ready to try an experiment, an adventure in faith? Are you and your church willing to pray and really ask God to use you in whatever way God has in mind?
• Are you interested in working with a peer group and a coach as your church studies the Real Life Evangelism Series?
• Would you like to participate in a new, major Lilly Endowment study of congregations working on faith and faith sharing?
• Do you have gifts to be a field researcher, an on-the-spot observer and reporter of transformation in lives and in your church?
• Would the lay leaders in your church love a retreat/workshop to help realize they're not alone as they take steps to deepen their faith and begin to share it?
If you say yes to at least four of these questions, please contact us. GraceNet will be working with a limited number of gifted and adventurous pastors and lay leaders studying the Real Life Evangelism books (in groups of 8-10 churches). Groups for Fall 2008 are forming now.
Coaching and research for the Unbinding the Gospel Project will be done primarily via conference telephone calls and Internet with pastors and key lay leaders over a period of about a year. Coaches will lead a one day retreat (for pastors and 3 lay leaders from each church) and a day-long workshop (for pastors and up to 20 lay people from each church.) Over half of the cost of this transformative process is subsidized by the Lilly Endowment grant. Contact us for more information.