Change Habits, Not Just Minds!
The Unbinding the Gospel Series... 20,000 congregations in 49 denominations
Martha Grace Reese
Martha Grace Reese, lead researcher and author of the Unbinding the Gospel Series has designed and lead five major Lilly Endowment research grants dealing with evangelism and congregational transformation over 18 years. She combines the skills of a multi-lingual ordained mainline pastor, an attorney, best-selling author and researcher. The key surprise in her writing is its humor, accessibility, depth, and strong focus on prayer.
Major New Research Findings
See extensive research findings on Mainline Church evangelism, congregational transformation & leadership drawn from our data set of five thousand mainline congregations. With use of the Unbinding Series, we see: (a) worship attendance growth, (b) minimal conflict despite change, and (c) continuity of the new growth trajectory. Unbinding the Gospel Research Findings (Report to Lilly Endowment)
Best Practices for Using the Unbinding Series
Congregational change and the whispered word "evangelism" make most church people grab their Adidas and head for the hills. See what we've discovered about starting in the best way to create maximal traction and minimal conflict in mainline congregations. Read this before you do a THING with the Unbinding Books in your church. These Best Practices are based on our work with over 5,000 congregations using this material. Best Practices to Start Unbinding
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