Rev. Dawn Darwin Weaks Bio
Rev. Dawn Darwin Weaks heard her calling to ministry at youth camp. She pursued God's call as she received her B.A. from Baylor University and her M. Div. from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University. She was ordained in the Southern Baptist church and served as a youth minister and an associate minister in that denomination before becoming a Disciples of Christ minister in 1999. Since then, she has pastored FCC Miami, Texas, and FCC Rowlett, Texas. She is currently the co-pastor of Raytown Christian Church in Kansas City, Missouri, with her husband, Rev. Joe Weaks. Dawn is a frequent keynoter at events, and her sermons are published regularly in diverse venues. She has served the wider church as the chair of regional New Church Ministry and as a board member of the Net Results magazine. Dawn has three passions: her family (husband, Joe, 5 year-old daughter, Arwen, and 4 year-old son, Sam), her relationship with God, and helping others live out the calling God gives to them.